Northumberland Students Celebrate Breaking Summer Reading Record

IMG_20170922_142630.jpgThis summer’s top readers

P9220044.jpgP9220034.JPGTo the delight of students, a gust of wind changed the direction of water being sprayed at teachers by Fairfields Volunteer Fire Department.

Watch some of the fun as kids get turned into mummies.

Congratulations to all the students who spent some of their summer fun reading!!!

Students who participated in the “Build a Better World” summer reading program in Northumberland County were rewarded last Friday with a special ice cream party and trophies for top readers.

The entire school gathered outside to participate in the celebration where they watched three classmates turned into toilet paper mummies and a teacher-student pie-eating contest. For the grand finale Fairfields Volunteer Firemen Ed Bowis and Phil Shahan hosed down a group of brave teachers.

Likely, the best part for students was when a gust of wind blew the water being hosed at teachers in their direction.

The program is a partnership of Northumberland’s elementary school, public library and the Family YMCA. To encourage students to read, the library and YMCA hosted reading events throughout the summer.

Summer rewards included a free ice cream cone from T & J’s Dairy Barn in Burgess, a McDonald’s a coupon, and a “Fuzzy Head Friend” pen from the library.

All students were given reading logs before summer break and encouraged to read. Lydia Haynie, a reading specialist at the school, said about 55 percent of students participate. Some children read but did not turn in logs.

“Our goal was 12,000 books, which was based on last year’s results of reading 11,300 books,” said Haynie. “This year the total books read by students was 14,969, including teachers it was 15,172.”

Last year, students outperformed their goal of 7,000 books.

Haynie said the average number of books read was 51 per student. We recognize top readers at each grade level.

This year’s participation is a a 12% increase in participation for 2016-2017 and 25% increase in number of books read.

Congratulations to our top readers:

Pre-K: Lucas McGlothlin    338 books

Kindergarten: Zoey Mathews    213 books

1st Courtlyn and Headley Bowis 627 books each (Top Readers in the School)

2nd Izzay Moody  228 books

3rd Evelyn Saunders  225 books

4th Mary Clare Hodges   312 books

5th Angel Butler  139 books




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